This school is designed to offer in depth education on topics that are not typically covered in depth in gastroenterology courses such as mast cell activation syndrome/histamine intolerance, sulfur intolerance, SIFO/intestinal fungal overgrowth and the gut-brain connection. These areas are essential for anyone who regularly treats digestive conditions to understand and know how to treat. Both naturopathic and allopathic treatments are covered in depth for each topic, making this beneficial for all types of practitioners.

Hi, nice to meet you!

I am a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist and I firmly believe that the gut is the basis for total health. I also have a passion for doing deep dives to learn everything I can about particular digestive health conditions, and then teaching others what I have learned. I feel that this is one of the most effective ways that I can contribute to improving the health and lives of others as well as the success of my profession, which I love dearly. I am glad you are here and I hope to become part of your learning or healing journey.

"I felt like this whole experience was so incredibly beneficial. It felt cohesive, insightful and well thought out"